• Disha Speech
With the support of additional clinicians and practitioners one can support their baby and their families’ mental and physical wellbeing through the first crucial year in the cleft journey.
Mental health practitioners can help to-be cleft parents cope with a new situation and help with preparedness for their new baby. Parents can also seek to support cleft children making them confident about themselves as individuals and help with societal integration.
Connect with IEC (institute for exceptional children) for children and adults counselling support: Dr. Trinjhna Khattar
One can prepare to welcome a cleft baby with the help of a lactation consultant. Colostrum banking can help prepare the mother with stored colostrum to be prepared to give her baby the full goodness of her milk right from birth. They can also help with techniques like skin to skin to enhance mother child bonding and other strategies to help reduce infant and parental stress.
Lactation Consultants: Manisha Gogri, Effath Yasmin,
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is about restoring the nervous system back into a state of balance so your body can support itself to heal.
BCST therapists: Meeta Bali, Effath Yasmin,
Pranic Healing is a revolutionary and comprehensive system of natural healing techniques that uses prana to treat illness. It is a synthesis of ancient, esoteric healing methods that have been rediscovered, researched and tested over decades with proven success.
Jeanne D’Arc Jabbour
Samsara® PaediaCare (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. a DIPP registered Mumbai based startup and we are the makers of Boond®, a patented and award winning cleft lip and palate infant feeder.
We are also committed to the cause of bringing awareness about the condition and help build a community that makes accessing information and resources available to ones in need.